Welcome to a place of Soul Discovery.
Hibiscus Dreaming is a Sacred Sanctuary for you to journey into Soul Expansion and Soul Discovery.
We are all unique beautiful Beings of light who have chosen to incarnate at this time to explore the realms of magical possibilities within.
Asharnaye is a Lightworker here to help guide you into this amazing Human experience. To empower you with the connection to a greater way of being here on the Earth Plane.
On this Healing Energy journey herself since the 90's, Asharnaye has carved a wonderful path of self learning & knowledge, connection to Higher Consciousness and the Pleiades Collective.
The knowledge and wisdom acquired has seen the birthing of a high vibrational Soul Healing System, Quadeucous.
Quadeucous - A system of healing that reaches deep into the Sacred Space of the Soul within. Helping on so many levels to return you to your very own code of vibration. Bringing a depth of peace like no other and reuniting you with all that is Divinely you.
We look forward to our paths meeting and sharing space in healing and life discovery.
Please wonder the pages, connect within and let the Healing Begin.
Soul Blessings
We are all beautiful Souls wagreed to take this Earth bound j
© Copyright Hibiscus Dreaming